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Discover The Power of Women Ministry

New Beginning Ministries International

1- As women of God,

our mission is to help each person at New Beginning Ministries International believe in Jesus, belong to a family, become a follower, and build God’s kingdom

2- Role of Women in Ministry

New Beginning Ministries strongly believes in recognizing and supporting the contribution of women in the ministry of the church. We believe in the value of women in all aspects of ministry. We believe a woman can teach and lead within any of the vast arrays of ministry roles and positions as long as she demonstrates a biblically-qualifying lifestyle. She must also submit herself, along with other servant-leaders, to those leaders God has placed in positions of governing authority, specifically, the Senior Pastor or the Elders of the church.  we consider all ministry positions and opportunities to be open to women.

3- Prayer

We desire to see every person at New Beginning Ministries International develop an intimate relationship with God through a personal prayer life. We grow in prayer through groups, Equip, online courses, and praying together on the weekend before and after service. Prayer invites the power and presence of God into our lives to accomplish His plans and purposes.

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