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Make a difference

Partner with us today.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support of our Ministries.

You are personally invited today to become a  partner with this ministry. Your monthly financial partnership makes it possible for us to share God’s unconditional love and unending hope around the world through our weekly programs, live worship events, online resources, missions outreaches and more. Without YOU, this would not be possible.


Our desire is to continue sharing hope with millions in new ways and in new places. We are so excited about all the wonderful things that God has placed in our hearts to accomplish in His name.

The tithe is a tenth of our income that we give to the work of the Lord. The first mention of the tithe is in Genesis 14:18-20 where Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedek the priest. 

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus mentions the tithe as something that we should continue along with the other important duties of the law such as justice, mercy, and faithfulness (Matthew 23:23).  Our attitude towards giving should be cheerful and generous.


With the tithes and offerings, the church is able feeding the homeless here in New York and around the WORLD.

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